Set up and start WHET'ing

WHETS in 3 steps

1. Register & create a profile

Set up a WHETS account through one of the stakeholder membership plans.

For mobile payments download the Cyclos app to your smart-phone, log into WHETS and create a shortcut to the home screen of your phone.

2. Create offers & requests

Identify what can offer to and in your immediate neighbourhood or to other members across the global community. Create an offer or preferably more, and decide how many ₩ (time credits) you will charge. 1 hour = 1₩, but if you include resources or have spent many hours in creating your offer, you may charge more.

3. Start exchanging & trading 

In time-banking offering and giving is both equally valuable. Exchanges can be 1-1; 1-Many; Many-1; Many-Many.

All exchanges contribute positive ripple effects across communities, stakeholders and World Heritage stewardship.




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